Comfort foods from around the World

Our 28-day menu rotations are developed by a chef with years of experience delighting some of the most demanding clientele at some of the country’s most respected restaurants. Then, each recipe, meal and weekly menu are evaluated by a Registered Dietitian to certify that they meet all Federal regulations to keep you and your operation in compliance.
The Recipes & Rotations 28-Day Menu Rotation Template
Your residents will enjoy regional selections from the Deep South, New England, Southwest, The Gulf Coast, The Midwest, The West Coast and more. Comfort foods from around the world will also be showcased. Popular dishes from Italy, France, Germany, Mexico, China and Great Britain will be featured. In every case, it will be Real Food, the kind your residents have been enjoying their whole lives.

The weeks are color-coordinated to make it easier for your team to know just where they are in the rotation.

Roughly every three months, our menu rotations will be changed to reflect the season. In every case, there will be a wide variety of seasonally-appropriate favorites.

Our menus are designed to consistently offer a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, along with quality proteins, always providing your residents many options to easily choose a satisfying, wholesome, nutritious meal.

You have the ability to change any item on our 28-Day Rotation to one of your own menu items. If your chef prepares a dish that your residents love that he wants to keep serving, no problem – you can substitute it for any dish on the standard rotation. Your dish will then appear on your printed Weekly and Daily Menus instead of the original item. (Changes to the original rotation may require a Registered Dietitian’s approval, as well as revisions to the Modified Diet Spreadsheets. )