
Basic Recipe Information Image

Basic information about the recipes

This section contains basic information about the ingredient amounts and yields as used in the Scalable Recipes, and how they relate to the amounts indicated on the Order Form that’s part of the Integrated Ordering System. You’ll also find a list of terms that are used in the recipes, along with their definitions.

Tomato with Nutritional Analysis Graphic

Nutritional Analysis of our Rotations

Here, you’ll find a Nutritional Analysis for each week of the current 28-day Menu Rotation, as well as an average for the entire period.

Modified Diet Spreadsheets Image

Information about the Modified Diet Spreadsheets

This is a description of what is contained in each of the 28 Modified Diet Spreadsheets that are included with each dated 28-day Menu Rotation.

Man Washing Hands


Excellent sanitation is important in all kitchens, but especially when your guests consist of a high-risk population.

Kitchen Worker reaching for ingredients

Some Basic Thoughts about Running your Kitchen

This section includes information fundamental to running any kitchen, including: planning ahead, ordering, receiving, prepping, defrosting, staffing, sanitation and service.

Stack of magazines

Articles Written by Chef Joe Abuso

Here are links to articles that can help improve different parts of your operation. Most of these articles originally appeared in Restaurant Startup & Growth magazine.