An Integrated Ordering System

We help your chef or kitchen manager control food costs with an easy-to-use, integrated ordering system that makes sure they order everything they need – no more, no less. No more running out of product, and no more throwing out items that were over-ordered. It’s not just a shopping list, it’s a chef-designed tool that shows your staff just what they need, for any date range they specify, taking into account the exact number of portions your kitchen manager specifies for each meal, along with any pertinent yields that apply to each ingredient.

Your custom-scaled recipes will determine the amounts of the ingredients on your Chef’s Order List. So no matter what number of portions your chef or kitchen manager chooses for any meal or meal part during the time period they specify for the Order List, it will show exactly how much of which ingredients will be needed to produce those menus.

Recipes & Rotations' Integrated Ordering Meal System Template

The Order List even takes into account various yields. For instance, if 50 pounds of onions are needed to produce the recipes, the Order List will indicate 59 pounds to allow for the 15% loss incurred when peeling and trimming onions. There is also space on the Order List for your staff to indicate how much of any item is already in inventory, so that they can make that adjustment when placing their orders.

Additional blank space is available on the Order List for items that need to be ordered that wouldn’t necessarily appear in the recipes, like latex gloves, cleaning supplies, plastic wrap, coffee and dietary thickeners.